Thursday, November 4, 2010

Perfect Pouters for Fall and still Glowing.

It's Fall and its time for those mid day errands. A diva never leaves the house without looking fab, flawless and fresh faced! To early for a smokey eye (never really but you know) after applying your foundation, lightly dust back and forth over your forehead with a bronzer a shade darker than your complexion, taking it around the perimeters of your face and your jaw bone and on those amazing cheeks! You are not trying to match that summer tan from lying on the beaches of Miami or whereever you were lucky to visit to catch some vitamin D but you want that suttle glow. Just mascaro on the eyes. For a pop of color add a little blush over your bronzer on your cheeks in a muave color. So we are supposed to be talking bout lips right?! I'm getting to it, divas a muave colored, pink color ( in darker shades) for the lips, you want your lips to be the statement of your face. Try a little matte eye shadow with a very light touch of clear lip gloss.

Clap, Clap, Twist, Twist your pouty pucker is done, your glowing and your attitude Ready to rock the road!!

Pucker up someone is bound to want to kiss you till its gone.

Air Kisses, Air Kisses Muah

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